

The power of Communication

Our aim is to impart the versatile skills and character traits learnt from sales to every new team member. My own tenure in the sales realm has instilled in me traits such as tenacity, determination, discipline, time management, self-assurance, resolve, persuasive ability, and negotiation skills. I have leveraged these attributes to pave the way for my own professional journey and gain substantial success in sales.

Our leadership development courses are designed not just to naturally cultivate the next generation of industry leaders, but to install essential leadership qualities within our teams – Emotional Intelligence, Patience, Setting an Example, Confidence, and Empathy.

Sales Executive

Several incredibly successful global CEOs have come from a sales background. This is why we at TouchPoint take immense pride in educating and honing our exceptional sales team.
As a sales executive, you get the chance to steer the revenue influx of some of the largest clients within the UK, specialising in all spheres of direct sales and marketing.

Partner Programmes

Our Perspective on Senior Management in our organisation, the upcoming directors are nurtured and moulded, not simply procured.
We take immense pride in providing every individual with an equal shot at professional advancement within our organisation. The expanding markets and newly signed clients have amplified our need for more senior partners, a role that entails steering one of our clients or markets.

Internships and Graduate Programmes

At TouchPoint, we acknowledge that navigating the job market can be challenging. Most employers demand experience but are reluctant to provide fresh graduates or students the chance to gain it. We take great pride in our 'learning on the job' approach.
Our internships, lasting a minimum of three months, are designed to cultivate sales capabilities and leadership qualities.

A Range of Positions

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